Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Cyber Weenie

Mom has left the room...now is my chance to do some cyber hacking!

Step One: Find favorite doggy treat site!

Step Two: Hack into delivery system!

Step Three: Pray I don't get caught!

Step Four: Alert lazy accomplices..."Wake up fools, we are about to hit the mother load!"

Step Five: Add treats to cart.

Step Six: Blame Rocket when mom finds out....Muhahahahaha!

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Peachy and Here Kitty,Kitty,Kitty

Here we wait for that scoundrel cat...comes every day and dances a jig in our front yard. I'm sure I hears him laughing at us...

At any moment he will step out from behind a bush and give us that Cheshire cat grin that drives me over the edge. Little does he know today I have backup! Look at the size of her! My whole head fits in her mouth...I know cause I been silly enough to put it there, on those rare occasions when she has missed a bit of her dinner and needs some help on cleanup.

Trick is getting her to stay awake long enough to catch the fiendish beast!

Sunday, June 2, 2013

Two Wieners Hike The Pacific NW

We are lucky weenies and live in a beautiful part of the world, the Great Pacific Northwest. We love to hike the trails along the Cascade Mountains, Mother Natures playground.

Crystal clear water, giant cedar trees, and an abundance of wild life. A great combination for hound dog hunting! My sniffer snoot can't wait to get this hike going!

I'm off like a rocket! Heh! Peachy can't keep up! I'm already picking up a number of glorious animal stinks! Might be chipmunk, some squirrel...but really I want the scent of those tricksy mices!

I lead us up some large boulders, I think I'm really close, the stinks is strong here. Tricksy mices, here comes the Rocket Man!

The stinks end here.....

Dang it! Bamboozled again....they have escaped via water. Even this fantastic hound dog sniffer can't scent through water.

A quick dip to cool down and drink some tasty water. That Peachy won't come in...she is scared to get her pretty, princess toes wet. Maybe she thinks she is a cat....

I lead my family safely across the bridge and there it is...

Deception  Falls! 

After our excursion we are two tuckered wieners. Catch you next time tricksy mices!

Thursday, May 30, 2013

Grandma Comes To Visit

Grandma has come for a visit and she brought an Auntie too. This is the first time we Weenies have got to meet her cause she lives far away. We waited all day for her, while Mom and Dad ran around all day cleaning stuffs that didn't look dirty to me. Once they got here I wasn't sure if I should like them. I'm keeping a close eye on them just in case they get tricksy, like those sneaky mices. They both carry really large bags that don't have any dog cookies in them... I know cause I gave them a good sniff. Peachy made a complete fool of herself giving out doggy kisses and Shorty Sue offered them her ball. But Meyer and I are keeping our distance waiting to give our final verdict. Maybe by tomorrow we will know...but for now I'm sleeping with one eye open!


Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rocket Man Hunts Mices

After I caught me some mices in the house about a year ago, I have become a serious hunter. I'm so obsessed with mices, Mom even took me to sniffer school, cause I'm so awesome at using my hound dog snoot to sniff them out. School was fun, but there is nothing better than hunting them down in your own back yard. Today I'm showing the gang how its done.

Peachy, the baby of the family, does pretty well, until she sees a bird. I tell her we not be bird dogs, but after the neighborhood Blue Jay ticked her off a few weeks ago, she's been pretending to be a spaniel.

Meyer, has a great sniffer, but I think he is more interested in digging holes than hunting mices. I spend a lot of my time out here waiting for him to go on a "full scale alert" barking fit at the slightest sound. Which needless to say is no good for catching mices unawares.

              Are you down there mices?

 We put Shorty Sue on look out for tricksy mices that could be sneaking by. But I'm pretty sure she is just listening for the cookie jar sound when Mom calls us in from outside.

Well there be no mices today, but we did find some really great sticks!


Tuesday, May 28, 2013


Hey, Rocket! I think I smell some mices!


Yeah, over here!


Ha! Fooled ya!

Why can't they smell burgers...

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Monday, May 27, 2013

Memorial Day Tribute

Hello friends,

Rocket Man here. We just wanted to take a moment to thank all the brave men, women, and service animals who have fought to protect our country. Although, we are constantly jovial, we wanted to let you know how seriously we take our freedoms. A heartfelt thanks from Rocket and Friends to all that have served!

Hi all, Shorty Sue here. I love Memorial Day, especially the left over grill stuffs! Thanks to those of you that are serving our country!

Peachy here everyone. I had to tone down the cute today cause today is not about us its about those who have served and lost their lives protecting us. There are no words that can thank them enough....

Hello all, its Meyer. I would like for all of us to remember the soldiers that are in battle right now around the world. May God protect them, as they protect us.

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Working Out With Peachy!

Trying to inspire that plump Shorty Sue to workout! I begin my workout with some stretching...

More stretching...

Hey! Who's laughing at my outfit? Brothers, they know nothing about being pretty...


Tail Wag!

I end with some Aerobics...or what mom calls sitting pretty.

Whew! I'm really working it! Eek! is that a roll I see?!

Saturday, May 25, 2013


Hi! Welcome to my blog! I'm Rocket, mom calls me the Rocket Man. This is where you will find me and my sidekicks Peachy, Meyer and Shorty Sue. We hope to make you smile, entertain you and even get some laughs to brighten your day with our funny goings on and Doxie antics.

Introducing Peachy: 

Mom calls her Peachy Keen~Peaches and Cream. She is the baby in the family and very good at stealing the show ~sigh~ has to love her anyway cause she is so darn adorable.

Introducing Shorty Sue:

Mom calls her Fat Girl. She is a bit too plump but we are working on this, not that she is impressed with the dieting...she is a bit lazy but very sweet, unless she has a toy she doesn't want to share.

Introducing Meyer:

Mom calls him Mr. Slinky. Cause hims ass wiggles when he walks just like one of those toy slinky dogs. He is the new kid on the block. He loves the foods and will do anything for a cookie.